Author Archive
Oct 08 2007
ALCOA, Bauxite, Century Aluminum, Climate Change, Corruption, Dams, Democracy deficit, Ecology, India, Mining, Pollution, Repression, Rio Tinto Alcan
An IPS/SEEN/TNI report, 2001
This important and lengthy report from the Washington based Sustainable Energy and Economy Network is highly informative about the operational structure of the aluminum industry and the resulting impacts on human rights and the environment.
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Sep 14 2007
ALCOA, Saving Iceland
Click the image to download this flyer in full size
Sep 14 2007
Actions, ALCOA, Amazon, Australia, Denmark, Ecology, Economics, Greenland, Greenpeace, Greenwash, India, Landsvirkjun, Laws, Pollution, Saving Iceland, South Africa
On the 12th of September 2007, the Global Day of Action Against Heavy Industry, people in South Africa, Iceland, Trinidad, Denmark, New York, Holland and the UK protested against the heavy industrialisation of our planet. This marked the first coordinated event of a new and growing global movement that began at the 2007 Saving Iceland protest camp in Ölfus, Iceland. The common target of these protests against heavy industry was the aluminium industry, in particular the corporations Alcan/Rio-Tinto and Alcoa. Read More
Sep 02 2007
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ALCOA, Alterra Power/Magma Energy, Century Aluminum, Climate Change, Ecology, EIA, Geothermal Energy, Greenwash, Helguvík, Hengill, HRV/Hönnun, Jaap Krater, Miriam Rose, Norsk Hydro, Pollution, Reykjavik Energy, Rio Tinto Alcan, Samarendra Das, Saving Iceland
By Jaap Krater, Miriam Rose and Mark Anslow, The Ecologist, October 2007.
The gates of a geothermal power station are not where you would expect to find environmental activists. But the morning of 26th July 2007 saw the access road to Hellisheidi power station in Hengill, South-West Iceland, blockaded by a group of protestors from the campaign group ‘Saving Iceland’. After a brief demonstration, nine activists were arrested and several now face legal action.
Geothermal power in Iceland is big business. Just five plants generate 3 TWh a year – more than the annual output from all the UK’s wind turbines combined (Orkustofnun 2005; BERR 2006). Geothermal power also provides at least 85 per cent of Iceland’s homes with heat and hot water. This abundance of cheap, largely CO2-free energy has attracted energy-hungry industries to the country like sharks to a carcass. Of these, by far the most energy intensive is the aluminium industry (Krater 2007; Saving Iceland 2007).
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Sep 01 2007
Corruption, Dams, Ecology, Landsvirkjun, Repression
Updated 1 October 2007
Icelandic geologists have now confirmed that the earthquakes at Upptyppingar were caused by the inundation of Halslon at Karahnjukar. Now that the inundation of the Karahnjukar area is completed the earthquakes have subsided, but only for the time being. The water levels of Halslon will be constantly fluctuating while the reservoir is operational.
This proves that the warnings of geologists like Grimur Bjornsson and Gudmundur Sigvaldason were very valid. The Kárahnjúkar dams are situated on a cluster of active geological fissures. The government withheld geological reports from parliament when voting on the dams took place.
The suppression of these reports, the official gagging order placed on Grimur Bjornsson and the general defamation that the concerned scientists experienced from government ministers, power companies and other State institutions was criminal. Those responsible should be made to answer for this.
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Aug 18 2007
ALCOA, Amazon, Australia, Climate Change, Cultural, Dams, Ecology, Economics, Greenwash, Guðmundur Páll Ólafsson, hydropower, India, Jaap Krater, Pollution
Trouw (daily), Netherlands, 21 January 2007
Large dams have dramatic consequences. Ecosystems are destroyed and numerous people are made homeless, often without adequate resettlement. But it is yet little known that large-scale hydro-electricity is a major contributor to global warming. The reservoirs could, despite their clean image, be even more devastating for our climate than fossil fuel plants.
A few years ago, I spent a month in the valley of the Narmada River, to support tribal activists who have been resisting the Sardar Sarovar dam in central India for decades. These indigenous inhabitants, or adivasis, are desperate. In their struggle, inspired by Gandhi, they attempt to drown themselves when their villages are flooded. Death seems preferable to being forced to move from their valley to tin houses on infertile, barren soil. If they’re lucky, they can live on land that nobody else wants, the only available in the densely populated India. This forced resettlement, made necessary by ´progress´, is not unsimilar to what befell American Indians or the Aborigines in Australia. The consequences of mega hydro: cultures die and alcoholism, depression and violence remains.
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Aug 18 2007
Rights Action Group. Email:
No Smelter TnT – good articles but hasn’t been updated in a while.
Smelta Karavan
Aug 17 2007
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Actions, ALCOA, Australia, Barclays, Corruption, Cultural, Ecology, Economics, India, Jamaica, Norsk Hydro, Pollution, Repression, Samarendra Das, Surinam
By Felix Padel and Samarendra Das, Economic and Political Weekly, December 2005
“The evidence we present goes against the conventional history of aluminium, which tends to portray the industry as central to various countries’ economic power and prosperity, without understanding the financial manipulation and exploitation between and within countries, and the true costs.”
Few people understand aluminium’s true form or see its industry as a whole. Hidden from general awareness are its close link with big dams, complex forms of exploitation in the industry’s financial structure, and a destructive impact on indigenous society that amounts to a form of genocide. At the other end of the production line, aluminium’s highest-price forms consist of complex alloys essential to various ‘aerospace’/’defence’ applications.1 The metal’s high ‘strategic importance’ is due to its status as a key material supplying the arms industry. In these four dimensions ‘ environmental, economic, social and military ‘ it has some very destructive effects on human life.
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Aug 17 2007
ALCOA, Corruption, Ecology, Greenwash, Oil, Pollution, Repression
The local council in the westfjords yesterday gave their permission to build an oil refinery in the area, to “save the community from disintegrating since people are moving away.” They hope that a factory like this would interest young people in moving back to the area.
The likeliest place for the refinery would be Arnarfjordur, a place of tremendous beauty as most places in the westfjords are.
Scientists have pointed out that oceanic iceblocks may make the sailing route to the area unsafe for bigger ships. Also, a refinery of this size would pump one million tons of C02 into the atmosphere per year, which more than exhausts Iceland´s quota according to the Kyoto agreement.
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Aug 08 2007
ALCOA, Australia, Malaysia, Norsk Hydro, Rio Tinto Alcan
Rio targets being top player in aluminium
By Nigel Wilson
August 08, 2007 06:00am
Article from: The Australian
RIO TINTO aims to be the world’s biggest aluminium producer – with the help of some of the world’s cheapest energy – before the end of the decade.
Rio Tinto Aluminium chief executive Oscar Groeneveld said yesterday that the possibility of a new aluminium smelter in the Malaysian state of Sarawak, coupled with closer links with Abu Dhabi once the Rio Tinto/Alcan merger was completed, would create a leading world player in the aluminium business. Read More