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Sep 14 2007
Actions, ALCOA, Amazon, Australia, Denmark, Ecology, Economics, Greenland, Greenpeace, Greenwash, India, Landsvirkjun, Laws, Pollution, Saving Iceland, South Africa
On the 12th of September 2007, the Global Day of Action Against Heavy Industry, people in South Africa, Iceland, Trinidad, Denmark, New York, Holland and the UK protested against the heavy industrialisation of our planet. This marked the first coordinated event of a new and growing global movement that began at the 2007 Saving Iceland protest camp in Ölfus, Iceland. The common target of these protests against heavy industry was the aluminium industry, in particular the corporations Alcan/Rio-Tinto and Alcoa. Read More
Mar 17 2006
Actions, ALCOA, Climate Change, Ecology, Greenpeace, Greenwash, Kárahnjúkar, Pollution, Repression, WWF
By Merrick
The Icelandic government is planning to destroy the largest remaining intact wilderness in Europe by building the Kárahnjúkar dam. It will be the largest dam of its kind in Europe, creating a reservoir of around 60 sq km. It’s not just that the submerged land will be obliterated, but the land beyond the dam will be deprived of water.
The area is land of huge ecological significance, designated an environmentally protected area, the oldest surviving areas of Iceland’s original vegetation. Around 380 square miles will be directly affected, with adjacent rivers, land and sea secondarily impacted.
To give you some context, it’s a reservoir roughly the size of Oxford with devastating direct impact on a surrounding delicate unspoilt ecosystem the size of Greater London. Read More
Aug 29 2005
ALCOA, Barclays, Climate Change, Corruption, Ecology, Greenpeace, Greenwash, Impregilo, India, Kárahnjúkar, Landsvirkjun, Langisjór, Pollution, Repression, Saving Iceland, Skagafjörður, Skjálfandafljót, WWF, Þjórsárver
With the growing awareness of climate change, carbon emission restrictions may not be too far off. Because countries that pollute the most may well get the heaviest restrictions, rather than seeking to reduce their emissions many industrial corporations are looking to move operations abroad.
Iceland, despite modern European levels of education, welfare and wealth, has almost no heavy industry. Their carbon rations will be up for grabs. Seeing the extra pollution coming, in 2001 Iceland got a 10% increase on the CO2 limits imposed by the Kyoto treaty. The problem is that the lack of heavy industry means a lack of the major power supply needed for such things. But Iceland has glacial rivers in vast areas unpopulated by humans; land for hydroelectric dams that can be seen as carbon-neutral. Read More
Mar 27 2004
ALCOA, Amazon, Climate Change, Corruption, Cultural, Denmark, Ecology, Economics, Greenland, Greenpeace, Greenwash, Guðmundur Páll Ólafsson, Kárahnjúkar, Landsvirkjun, Laws, Media bias, Norsk Hydro, Pollution, Repression

Orion Magazine
March / April 2004
An important article which provides useful historical background.
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